What is an Independent Educational Consultant?

An Independent Educational Consultant helps students and their parents successfully navigate the college admissions process by advising, informing, teaching, encouraging and empowering students to find the college match that will best suit them as individuals. Educational Consultants do not get students into college, they teach students about admissions. IECs helps students learn about themselves and how to maximize their potential.

What kind of student works with us?

All kinds of students! From the high-achieving student interested in highly selective, competitive schools to the average student searching for a comfortable place to grow and learn, to the student athlete wanting to pursue his or her dream of playing college sports to the student with learning differences seeking a college with support in place. Every student is an individual, and we focus on the uniqueness of you.

Why do I need an Education Consultant?

According to current college admissions data, the average amount of time that U.S. public school students spend with college guidance counselors is 38 minutes, focused specifically on their individual college planning needs.

The current ratio of guidance counselors to students in the U.S. is about 400:1.

With over 4,000 colleges and universities to choose from, the college search process can be quite overwhelming. It is very helpful to spend time assessing your student’s personalized college planning goals and needs in a one-on-one setting. This maximizes his or her opportunities, success, self-efficacy and de-stresses the whole process while ultimately capitalizing on merit, institutional and potential financial aid.


How can I get started?

Call 847-208-4044

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