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College Bound – 5 Great Study Strategies


Do you want to ace your high school tests as you move toward your goal of attending your dream school?  Of course you do!  

The reality, however, is that with a multitude of media distractions, sports practices, after school clubs  and perhaps a job, it can be tough to find the time to properly study.  Here are some easy tips to get you on the way to study success:

1.  Use Quizlet.  You can create free and simple learning tools for any subject, including flashcards, tests and study games. 

2.  Create a clutter free space to study. Use noise blocking headphones if you need a quiet zone.  

3.  If you’re the type of learner that benefits from discussion, create a study group with several of your classmates.  Now with Skype or Facetime, you can even participate in these groups without leaving your home. 

4.  Make sure you reread your class notes as each week progresses.  It’s amazing how just a quick review can keep you up to date and help make it easier to capture all of the necessary foundational information needed for large exams.  

5.  Used the tried and true index card system for review.  Shuffle up your questions or even lay them out on a big table and see how many facts you can memorize.  

Try your best and plan on making this the most prepared semester possible! 


Big Blue Giving


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